The problem
Scouring the internet for impartial reviews of library products or services can be daunting. The web is saturated with marketing material, often skewed and lacking an objective lens. Protective of their customer base, vendors tend to hold back their lists. Inadvertently this fosters a circuit of backchannels at listservs and conferences for information exchange. This can be fruitful but also overwhelming, leading to a clutter of data rather than clarity. The traditional RFP process offers a structured approach yet is costly and time-consuming. As a result, RFPs are justifiable only for significant investments like an ILS or extensive database subscriptions. For other acquisitions, there’s a pressing need for a streamlined method to collect pivotal information efficiently. Collectively a library’s ability to evaluate products is a needed but frustrating process.
The solution
The Skilltype Central Index offers rich resources on many products and services. Drawing from trusted sources, including libraries and vendors, Skilltype presents a wealth of knowledge—technical know-how, real-world user experiences shared across forums, and more. Its intuitive search and browsing mean that libraries unlock a world of information with just one click.
For libraries in the research phase, Skilltype acts as a no-pressure zone to evaluate products without vendor interaction. It allows a deep dive into product specifics and customer experiences. It even shows which libraries are current users via their Needs Assessment listings.
When it comes to distilling these insights, Skilltype Lists comes into play, offering a space to collect and share videos, articles, and documents tailored to each library’s unique quest for knowledge. Whether for internal strategizing or broader community sharing, when a List item is checked off, the List creator is immediately updated, paving the way for informed, strategic discussions. This is more than just a tool; it’s a community-driven platform where every click, every shared experience, enriches the collective library intelligence.