Minor updates to our learner experience.

Users now have smarter tag limits.
Learner Experience Improvements
We’re excited to announce a series of updates aimed at enriching the learner experience on Skilltype. These improvements span from auto-including Skilltype as an interest, to empowering organizations with better data control, to allowing users to have a richer and more tailored profile. Below are the details:
- Skilltype as a Default Interest: To make your onboarding smoother and to deliver content that is highly relevant from the get-go, Skilltype will now be included as an interest by default when you set up a new account.
- Enhanced Data Control for Organizations: Security and data control are of utmost importance. Therefore, organizations can now choose to disable followers from sharing data with them. This ensures that only relevant and authorized data is associated with your organization.

- Expanded Profile Selections: We’ve lifted some of the previous limitations! You can now select more skills, interests, and product experiences to showcase on your profile, allowing for a fuller representation of your expertise and aspirations.
- Transparent Tag Limits: Transparency is key to a great user experience. With our new update, you can see the tag limits before reaching them, allowing you to manage the tags you want to associate with more effectively.
- Match on organization names in search is no longer case sensitive. To make the search feature more user-friendly, organization names are now case-insensitive. Whether you search for “ATLA” “Atla,” or “atla,” you’ll get the same accurate results, thereby streamlining your search experience.
Skilltype is a talent marketplace for information professionals and their teams to analyze, develop, and share expertise. Want to try out these features? Log into https://app.skilltype.com/